Other Argyle Dollhaus Locations

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Boyz of Summer


It's wonderful returning to this blog hop! Being an avid reader myself, it's always good to celebrate the authors that have brought great books to us. They are true magicians, creating brilliant illusions that absorbs us into the lives of the characters that we love dearly. Authors give us solace from our realities, so thank you b00k r3vi3ws for bringing to life a celebration that should be celebrated 365 days!!

There is one author that I have been following from the very beginning. I believed in his magic so much that I became his author assistant in hopes to help bring enchantment to other readers. With that being said, in this post I will be discussing (as well fan girling) about the two starring men in Lee's literary efforts. Shall we begin with the introductions?

Meet Frank Avery:

"Imagine the one you love is ambivalent, and the one smitten with you is totally unacceptable."

"Following college Frank is comfortable in his bucolic little hometown of Collins. Beth Ann calls, announcing her divorce will be finalized Friday morning...and she is driving the two hours to Collins from the City immediately thereafter.
Oh, mercy. Not Beth Ann, again.
amantes sunt amentes
Lovers are lunatics."
Google Play: http://bit.ly/1hHstqc

Before I met frank, I was reading a lot of novels that were aiming to be replicas of Fifty Shades, I'm sure you can imagine that got old quickly. Fortunately however, Frank found his way to my doorstep and gave me a opportunity to refresh my book palette. In Concurrent Relationships we experience a different perspective of romance. Within the male point of view, we tag along in the journey of a young man trying to find his happily ever after. Yes, even men must kiss a lot of frogs before they find their princess. Personally, it intrigued me for the fact that it proves no matter what gender you are, romance isn't easy for either party. We all have to deal with the good, the bad and even the ugly. 

Meet Hank Lawson:

"You have to believe in something. I always believe I'll have another cookie."
Book Trailer: Young, Only Once

"Learning how to downhill ski was on Hank Lawson's to-do list.
The opportunity to work as a bartender at a ski resort was the ticket.
The girlfriend held a differing view, given Snow Mountains reputation among the singles crowd.
What could be the conflict?
All Hank had to do was learn a new job, a new sport, and interact successfully with his new co-workers, fifteen college girls hired for the busy season in the lounge, the Snow Girls..."
Google Play: http://bit.ly/1imZrHo

I'm sure every now and then us women have crushed on a bartender, maybe even dreaming on the possibility that you would like one night with him...yeah well, Hank Lawson had to deal with women like us when he took the offer to work for Snow Mountain, a ski resort that had a reputation among the singles crowd. Temptation was at its all time high for Hank. Of course working with 15 attractive college ladies didn't help one bit, but let us not forget the girlfriend back at home! Despite temptation this story goes deeper, we the reader are placed in a roller coaster of psychology. With every rise and fall, there is a discovery of each character state of being and with every twist and turn we acknowledge each characters motives. It's one crazy ride, one that I've ridden several times. 

There you have it! You have just met the boyz that I've constantly revisited. We as readers are constantly looking for something new to read and there is plenty out there, but I recommend you get to know these two lovely guys. Their stories are unique and worth the while. I wish to thank Lee Debourg for writing novels that will be forever timeless to me and hopefully for others as well! 

You just can't have a celebration without teasers, so the Dollhaus made sure to give your eyes something to feast on!

**Please be sure you follow Lee DeBourg at any social site to stay up to date in all things boyz!! You can find the links underneath the teasers!**

Meet Lee DeBourg!!

Twitter: @leedebourg
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTrewIpvC3I4L--9M8c26sw/playlists

Thanks for your company!
Argyle Doll

Participating Blogs:
1. DDS @ b00k r3vi3ws (Host)  
2. Lexie @ Murray of Letho  
3. flahertylandscape  
4. Lynn's Corner  
5. Emily-Ann Walsh  
6. Lindsay Edmunds  
7. Kishan @levyingkishan  
8. IntrospectivePress  
9. Landscape story?  
10. Purba Chakraborty  
11. Linda S. Prather  
12. Stephanie@ 100 Pages A Day  
13. Readaholic Zone  
14. 4covert2overt A Place in The Spotlight  
15. The Bridge of Deaths  
16. Defining Ways  
17. HL Carpenter  
18. Andrea Buginsky, Author  
19. The Book Cellar  
20. Confessions Of A Reader  
21. Emily Ann Ward  
22. Lora Palmer  
23. Kim Golden  
24. Deb Atwood  
25. Deal Sharing Aunt  
26. Buffy's Ramblings  
27. J.D.R. Hawkins  
28. Kritika @ So Many books, So little time  
29. Claudette Alexander  
30. Shree Janani @ Book and Ink  
31. R. P. Wollbaum, Author  
32. Rupali Rajopadhye Rotti  
33. Romila  
34. Njkinny @ Njkinny's World of Books & Stuff  
35. Natural Bri  
36. Leigh Anderson Romance  
37. MJ Summers  
38. Zoe Forward  
39. Paula M @ Her Book Thoughts!  
40. Two Americans in China  
41. Privy Trifles  
42. Annemarie @ Child of Destiny The Series  
43. A Leisure Moment  
44. The ToiBox of words  
45. Ruty @ReadingDreaming  
46. Words, Light, and Sound  
47. Mazzy @ Obsessed by Books  
48. Marilou George  
49. Lynda Kaye Frazier  
50. Taffey Tawanna Champion  
51. Susan Oleksiw  
52. Jenny Bynum  
53. Lauren @ Northern Plunder  
54. On Ecology--Kenneth Grahame  
55. Argyle Dollhaus  
56. Isla Grey  
57. Paul Hewlett  
58. Landscape Mysteries: Algernon Blackwood  
59. Lois  
60. Nancy's Blog  
61. Camille Faye  
62. Readers' Muse  
63. Claudette Alexander  
64. Existential Garden Visits--Borges  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Friday, September 5, 2014

Doll Returns to the Dollhaus as Mr. Mercedes Calls it Home.


I'm sure you've noticed that I've been gone from the Dollhaus for many moons. A good reason being that I became an Author Assistant to Mr. Lee DeBourg. It can be a consuming job, but I love everything about it. However, I am back to write a new post and turn the lights back on (again) for the Dollhaus. And what better way to return to my virtual home with a new friend in hand. This new friend being Mr. Stephen King. Yup! 

I've seen countless promotions for Mr. Mercedes. If truth be told, I have never read a Stephen King novel (I KNOW IT'S A SHOCKER!!) BUT I always knew he was the best. So with that being said, this is the Dollhaus first Stephen King book. Exciting! I've even asked my book sister, Jennifer, to read along with me. As you see, great new things are happening at the dollhaus! Feels great to be back!


Argyle Doll

Friday, July 11, 2014

The Boyz That Won A Doll's Heart

Hello Everyone!!!! Before I begin my post, I first want to say thank you to b00k r3vi3ws for giving me the opportunity to gush over my favorite books and author!!! Now without further a due, Let's get to the gushing!!! :)


I was never the type of reader that would re-read a book twice despite who the author was. I would just move along to the next book in line. Shocking, I know! But that all changed when I met this author and read his books (and re-read)..
I was extremely fortunate to have met him over at Book Blogs. He had messaged me wondering if I would review his debut novel, Concurrent Relationships. Without hesitation, I agreed. Since then, Lee DeBourg has become one of my favorite authors. I fell in love with his debut for the fact that it was literature that was different from what I had been currently reading. It refreshed my book palette. I truly admired that it was in Male POV. Frank Avery wasn't the typical billionaire, jock, or Dom and that appealed to me the most. He was just this simple hardworking man trying to find true love. Maybe not in the right places, but sometimes in life one must kiss a lot of frogs before finding the prince, or in this case a princess. 

With that being said, I'd love to share an excerpt that I always get a kick out of reading. 

*********WARNING: DON'T TRY THIS AT HOME!!!!*********

After reading and reviewing Concurrent Relationships, I was hoping Lee had more books to come. To assure me, he had mentioned that he already had a second novel in the works. To say that I was excited was an understatement. 

Fast forwarding to a couple months and finally reading Lee's second novel, I found myself lost in the words. If I thought Concurrent Relationships was a great book, I was proved totally wrong. Young Only Once was so fantastic that I found myself eyeing the cover just to make sure it was in fact written by Lee. Lol! I was impressed. Romance at a dysfunctional ski resort. How could that not scream pure drama and entertaining? I loved the characters and how they interacted with one another, but especially loved a certain bond between a 'Delicate Flower' and Hank. It was truly a roller coaster ride from page one all through to the last word, I was was hooked. 

As a mentioned a few sentences back, I truly adored the connection between a 'Delicate Flower' and hank. I found just the right snippet to share to further prove my point. ;)
In the excerpt, Hank is wondering if he could help Sue Ellen in her romance novel she is basing off the Snow Resort:

On that note, Thank you Lee for creating such great works of art and keeping this doll entertain for hours on end. Out of those hours I have earned myself two really great book boyfriends! ;) And a thank you to book blogs because without them I wouldn't have met this great guy and boyz :) 

To those who are reading this, I HIGHLY recommend getting your copies! 

Purchase Links:
Google Play: http://bit.ly/1m1dymt
Barnes and Noble: http://bit.ly/1q4qOz2


Argyle Doll

Blog Hop Hosts:
1. DDS @ b00k r3vi3ws (Host)  
2. DDS @ b00k r3vi3w Tours (Host)  
3. Eclectic Moods  
4. POLLY @ Polly Defies Gravity  
5. Vivienne Mathews @ Vivienne Mathews  
6. Nancy LaRonda Johnson @ Writer's Mark  
7. katiesalers@bookdevourer  
8. Daniel Thorne @ D. Thorne Books  
9. Her Ladyship's Quest  
10. Kateryna Kei@ Kateryna Kei's author's blog  
11. Stacey Joy Netzel  
12. Ruchi Singh @I Luv Fiction  
13. Crissi @ Crissi Langwell ~ Author  
14. Jamie @ Vailia's Page Turner (INT)  
15. Theresa @ Theresa M Jones ~ author  
16. Elle Hill Blog  
17. Dormaineg@dormainegblog.blogspot.com  
18. Rupali @ Nayak Brothers  
19. Minerva @ Chica Loves to Read  
20. NatashaAhmed@DearRumi  
21. Author Rachelle Ayala  
22. Cinta @ Cinta's Corner  
23. Natalie G. Owens  
24. Rita @ Rita Lee Chapman ~ Author  
25. Argyle Doll@ Argyle Doll  
26. Massimo@ Author Massimo Marino  
27. My Devotional Thoughts  
28. Author J. L. Weaver  
29. Linda Huber Author  
30. Njkinny @Njkinny's World of Books & Stuff  
31. Lita's Book Blog  
32. Http://glasgowdragonfly.wordpress.com  
33. Sarah's Book Reviews  
34. Pamela S Thibodeaux  
35. Muriel @ Finding My Invincible Summer  
36. Author Tricia Schneider  
37. Elizabeth @ The Consulting Writer  
38. amy@amylpeterson  
39. Jan & Dhivya @ Readers' Muse  
40. Hannah @ The Book Tower  
41. Ryshia Kennie  
42. Kristen Taber, Author  
43. Teresa@RockspringsCrafts.com  
44. Lynn Sholes Author  
45. Laura Roberts @ Buttontapper Press  
46. HL Carpenter  
47. bob@gridleyfires  
48. Lynn Sholes  
49. Anubha @ Gateway to a Different World  
50. Jenn @ Book Reviews and Giveaways  
51. Shelly Hickman, Author  
52. Linzé @ Butterfly on a Broomstick  
53. Andrea Buginsky, Author  
54. Lynn Thompson Books  
55. Diane Rapp Quick Silver Novels  
56. http://www.plaintalkbm.com/bookaholic-fairies/  
57. Hope Christine  
58. http://pawilson.ca/is-reading-important  
59. My Inner Muse  
60. Lit Lovers Lane  
61. Isla Grey  
62. T. R. Graves, Author  
63. The Nancy Way  
64. One World, Many Questions  
65. Penny Estelle  
66. Summer Reading for Kids  
67. Kritika @ SoMany Books,So Little time  
68. Meredith Bond  
69. Jennifer Ellis - Writing  
70. Marie Lavender's Writing in the Modern Age  
71. The Art Of Storytelling  
72. Nyaran @ LifeGraduate  
73. Samuel Muggington's blog  
74. PRB @ One and a Half Minutes  
75. Ann Swann  
76. Life with Autism and Bipolar  
77. Christina McKnight  
78. Emma @ The Beauty Of Literature  
79. 6feetunderbooks.wordpress.com  
80. Phoebe Sean  
81. Margo @ Words, Words, Words  
82. Claudette Alexander  
83. Beverley Eikli Author  
84. Karl Schonborn  
85. Rebecca Moatz  
86. Jennifer Wendell  
87. Sara Hathaway  
88. SS Kuruganti @ Clouds in My Coffee  
89. Aniesha Brahma  
90. Michelle Howard  
91. SM Johnson Writes  
92. Book Fairy  
93. Mahasweta Mahasweta's Musings  
94. MJ Summers  
95. Diwakar Pokhriyal  
96. CrossAngels  
97. Pamela Beckford  
98. Jo Robinson @ africolonialstories  
99. http://involution-odyssey.com/blogscribe/  
100. Tamara Epps  
101. Janice Spina  
103. Karen-Anne@Karen-Anne'sBlog  
104. RT_writes  
105. Carol  
106. Edward M Wolfe  
107. Karen-Anne @ Karen-Anne's Blog  
108. Ankit Jaiswal  
109. Kishan Chand Swain @Levying Kishan  
110. Musing Of The Writing Life  
111. http://smorgasbordinvitation.wordpress.com/2014/07/18/international-authors-day-july-18th/  
112. P.S.  
113. Lillian @ Mom With a Reading Problem  
114. Roberta Pearce@ Roberta Pearce  
115. Myra @ Pieces of Whimsy  
116. Nat's Book Nook  
117. Jamie @ Cute Peach  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Friday, July 4, 2014

Sylvain Reynard Giveaway!!! :)

Greetings everyone!!!

I have a lovely surprise for everyone! Since SR finally reached 30,000 followers over at twitter (You can check it out here), he has decided a giveaway would be a great way to celebrate!! There are plenty of great prizes to win! From gift cards to signed books!!
Even better news is that it IS open internationally! 
The giveaway will be ongoing from July 4th through to August 4th!
Good luck to all of you! :)

Argyle Doll.